Create better emails faster

Discover the powerful simplicity of Beefree's drag-and-drop HTML editor and effortlessly export your emails to any sending platform.

No signup required

Hear from our customers

"Beefree's simple, intuitive email builder is one of the best email builders I've used (and I've used a lot of them)"

Creative Director

Small business

"Beefree is...hands down the fastest and cleanest builder I've ever used. Knowing that every design will be on brand clutch."



"The platform we didn't know we needed -
now we can't function without it!"

Digital Marketing Lead

Medical Devices Company

Engineered for superior performance


of users experienced faster email creation


of users found exporting designs to be effortless


of Beefree users increased their CTR by 11% or more


of users had a payback period of 3 months or less
*Survey conducted by UserEvidence

Reclaim your time
with a comprehensive design suite


Find your muse and set your creativity free

Explore the largest selection of free, ready-to-use templates or begin anew to craft your own.

Plans designed to suit your needs

Great for
occasional projects
No credit card required

Everything you need to get started:
Mobile design mode, export up to 6 emails per month to your favorite sending platform, 1,500+ free templates, and more.

Best for solo creators or teams of two to three
No credit card required

Everything in Starter, plus:
MUnlimited exports, robust organization tools, customizable user roles and permissions, and more.

Self-service solution for scaling organizations
No credit card required

Everything in Professional, plus:
Built in approval and collaboration processes for enhanced teamwork and productivity, advanced style guidelines for always on-brand designs.

Great for larger organization with complex email needs

Everything in Business, plus:
Multi-workspace environment, customized configurations, premium data security and support, and more!

Great for
occasional projects
No credit card required

Everything you need to get started:
Mobile design mode, easy integration with your favorite sending platform, 1,700+ free templates, and more.

Best for solo creators or teams of two to three
billed yearly
No credit card required

Everything in Starter, plus:
Unlimited exports, robust organization tools, customizable user roles and permissions, and more.

Self-service solution for scaling organizations
billed yearly
No credit card required

Everything in Professional, plus:
Built in approval and collaboration processes for enhanced teamwork and productivity, advanced style guidelines for always on-brand designs.

Great for larger organization with complex email needs

Everything in Business, plus:
Multi-brand environments, customized configurations, premium data security and support, and more!

Ignite your creativity using our extensive template catalog

Explore 1,500+ free email and landing page templates

Access the world's largest editable template library

Start with pre-designed templates or create your own

Craft mobile-responsive emails and pages with ease

A design suite for designers, agencies, and businesses of every scale

Join 1M+ marketers, designers, and teams using Beefree for hassle-free, high-performing emails. Say goodbye to coding and optimization worries and hello to more free time for creativity!  

For Designers
looking to boost efficiency

Unleash limitless design flexibility

Collaborate in real-time with teams and clients

Ensure consistent branding across all emails

For Businesses
with a single brand

Streamline campaign creation and design processes

Enhance collaboration through real-time communication

Customize branding and access user-friendly design tools

For Companies
with multiple departments and brands

Accelerate email campaign creation

Collaborate with team members in real-time

Maintain consistent branding

For Agencies
overseeing multiple clients and teams

Simplify approval processes with real-time collaboration

Preserve brand identity across various clients

Organize all the assets in one central hub

Developer or Head of Product?
Interested in embedding our content kit in your SaaS application?